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Meigs Point Observation Deck
Hammonasset State Park

This is a very scenic place to stop and relax, even if you are just on a lunch break.

A great place to sit and think about life, or to clear your mind.

There is a path you can walk all the way to the point.

They built this observation deck in 1955. All very nice and scenic.

They have one of those pay telescope thingies on the observation deck so you can watch the ships go by.

Meigs Point in Hammonasset

The " Meigs" end of the park is mostly salt marsh, but there are also areas of higher ground, literally islands in the marsh. Of these, Meigs Island and Willard's Island are the largest and most well known. Both of these were used as farmland in the past.

The Meigs Island farm produced corn, oats, potatoes and salt hay. Willard's Island was orchard land. Some of the hay in later years was sent to New York City via schooner for the horse drawn trolley system.

Meigs Point View

At one time the Boston Post Road swung south from its present route, ran easterly along the beach, went past the Meigs Island Farm and out a long tree filled peninsula to Cedar Island where it crossed the Hammonasset River. All that is left of the old route now is the area where the trees stretch heading towards Cedar Island. You can see rut marks in some of the rocks and how many of the rocks were pushed aside to make the way more passable for the stage with its cargo of mail and passengers.

Meigs Point History

The first record of any permanent dwelling house is the Meigs Island farm appears in 1828. The property may have belonged to Daniel Meigs at one time, but in 1828 it is owned by J. W. Hand, who leased the property to Selan Wilcox. Mr. Hand passed away and in 1847 the house, two barns; 100 acres of land, Willard's Island (9 acres) and fishing rights are sold to A. O. Wilcox and S. H. Scranton.

1924 - marks the first season at Meigs Point. (This is improperly named because it is actually Meigs Island at Hammonasset Point. At any rate, the name stuck as it is still called that today). The road to the point was very poor; it was deep sand on one side and a steep drop on the other. 12 canvas bungalows were put up and rented to the public at $15.00 per week. Sometime later they were changed to cabins.

See the rest of Hammonasset State Park
Stay in a motel in Madison
Visit the Hammonasset beaches

Driving Directions:

Take Exit 62 off of I-95. View a Directions Map of Hammonasset.

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